Frequently asked questions

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What if my store is closed?

You can set your store's open hours in the Teleport App. If you receive an order 1 hour or less before your closing time, the delivery will be put "On Hold" and it will be collected as soon as you next open.

What if my customer is outside the delivery area?

Teleport will only be presented as a shipping method if the customer's shipping address is within our delivery area.

Who do I do if there is a problem?

In the Teleport App, you may designate an emergency contact phone number and email address. If there is a problem with your delivery, a customer support representative will contact this person to resolve the issue.

You can always contact Teleport using our support from:
A support representative will contact you within 2 hours.

What if I create a Teleport by accident?

A Teleport can be canceled free of charge before it is "claimed" by a driver. Once the Teleport has been "claimed" or "collected" you will be charged for the delivery. If a Teleport is canceled while "in-transit" it will be taken back to the address is was collected from.